New Release.

Inclusive K.R.E.W.E. Book #3

Who is this book for?

Children, ages 5 & up: Young people will enjoy the vibrant illustrations and infusion of the southern rodeo experience!

Educators, Counselors & Librarians: Those who work daily to enrich the lives of children in the school setting will appreciate a reading selection that will supplement lessons on social-emotional learning.

Parents & Caregivers: Families are supplied with wholesome reading material to encourage conversations that celebrate differences and bring awareness to chronic diseases in a way that children can understand.

What are readers saying?

“I enjoyed the book. I think that the introduction of Type 1 diabetes to young readers is a brilliant idea. It opens the reader’s mind up to one of many conditions that school age kids face. It showed that as long as you are compliant with your diet and keeping a close eye on your glucose level, you can perform at your best.“

“I love how relatable the story was. Your sayings and phrases. . .”

“Great read! I enjoyed. My family can definitely relate to Noah James and his experience with being a diabetic.”

“I’m tremendously grateful for another opportunity to create a book and characters like I’ve never seen! While Noah James is a fictional character, you will certainly see qualities of the young children you love in his witty, humorous personality. This is a love letter to the southern cowboys that love the rodeo, the trail rides, and don’t mind a little mud on their boots!”

— Keylonda Wheeler